To be honest, as I was scrolling through this Facebook page I felt so inadequate to be putting my simple thoughts on a page filled with beautifully written words, by some amazingly inspired and strong women. Then I remembered why I “Choose to Believe.” I Choose to believe because I know that no matter how small or inadequate I feel, Heavenly Father still loves me. Just the way I am. He can hear my simple prayers pleading for help throughout the day. He sends me angels here on earth, many in the form of you wonderful sisters, helping me with my kids, being great friends and examples to me. I choose to believe because I know that this simple mother of 5, here in Layton Utah is loved by her Heavenly Father. I know that He answers our prayers, and I know that if we choose to find the good in the world, we will always see His hand it.
In March of this year, just like most of you, I found myself quarantined at home with 5 little ones. 2 of which I was trying to homeschool, and 3 others I was just trying to keep alive.
at the time it seemed so lonely and hard, but looking back over the past 7 months I was never left alone. I had ministering sisters checking in on us, neighbors dropping things off, wonderful school teachers who would try and help at the drop of a hat with any questions that we had (and there were a lot!). Bishop emails coming in each week, and awesomely planned social distanced relief society activities. He never left me “alone” but instead he had sent His earthly angels to watch over one another. I choose to believe because if we look hard enough He’s always there, and always has been. He loves me. He loves you. He loves us! That’s why I choose to believe.
Lots of love my sisters,
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