"Every Gift"

Our family has a Christmas tradition to bring a small gift for exchange on Christmas Eve. This is a game that becomes very lively, especially if a timer is used. We use different methods of exchange, such a drawing numbers, reading a "right and left" story, or rotating gifts to music. As each gift is unwrapped, the players get to see the items available as the game is played, and there are often a couple of very coveted gifts. Once those gifts have been identified, it becomes a challenge to be the one to obtain the coveted gift! Once the timer rings, and the game has concluded, those who did not receive the gift they desired often feel disappointed that they were not the one that received the desired gift. 

Unlike our tradition at Christmas, the Savior offers all of the gifts associated with His atoning sacrifice to us. Everyone may receive the gifts, and no one is left out. 3 Nephi, chapter 9 verse 14 states, "Yea, verily I say unto you if you will come unto me you shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me." He invites all to come and accept the gifts that He is willing to offer. The first step is to come to Him, to draw near to Him. His gifts can uplift, comfort, heal, bless, and ultimately return us back to our Father in Heaven. 

 ~Lori West

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