Walk with Him: Taunya Bingham


How do you walk with HIM?

I was asked to share how I walk with Christ. I have become so grateful for the Savior the past several years. I’ve always had a relationship with Him, but as I have mostly been shut in my home the past five years, my relationship has grown closer.
When we moved into this home, we had sold our home that we planned to stay in our entire lives, but it had had a mold problem. We had finally rebuilt it, but had to sell it to pay back the money it cost to fix it at last. When we moved into this home, we did not own anything but a couple items of clothing, a toothbrush, a card table and an air mattress. One of my dear friends from our old ward gave me a picture of the Savior. I immediately hung it on our wall and looked at it every day. I was recovering from a difficult surgery after being diagnosed with a very rare disease and was so grateful for that picture. As the years have gone by our home is filled with things again. One of them is a picture of the Savior or a temple in every room. I love going to sleep at night with the Saviors face watching over me, and I love seeing pictures of Him and the temple as I walk around my home each day.
I don’t really have anything profound to share, but I know the basic things that I do that we’ve all been taught make the biggest difference in my life. I start each day and end each day with a prayer. Since I can’t really go many places due to my health, I have all the time in the world to spend in my scriptures and reading conference talks. I always make sure that I start my day with some time in the scriptures and reading a conference talk. When our children were small and life was crazy and busy, I often only had time to read just one verse before collapsing into bed. And I know that Heavenly Father and the Savior appreciated that effort just as much as he appreciates the efforts I make now. I still get dressed for church each Sunday even though we watch from home. I am so grateful for technology that has brought church back into my life. Before that I would read the Ensign and my scriptures during church. I never pictured my life like it is now. And I do wish that things could be different with my health. But I always feel peace, and calm. I often tell Heavenly Father in my prayers how much I wish things could be different so that I could be out loving and serving my family and in the church like I want to be so desperately.
I don’t understand why I have to have the health struggles I do. But I am grateful to know that the Savior walks beside me each day. I know that by doing the simple things I have been able to keep the spirit in my life and in my heart. I am so incredibly grateful for that. By doing the little things each day to invite the Savior into my life and home, He walks with me and I walk with Him. I love Him and can’t wait for the day that I can personally thank Him for carrying me through these difficult years.

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