I Can't Imagine Heaven without My Family

"I choose to believe because I know families are eternal. During these unique times we were able to have our last of 6 children be baptized. As we sat in the very empty church that Saturday afternoon I realized how important the ordinance of baptism was and what it means eternally to take upon those covenants and His name. I choose to believe because like Elder Holland, I couldn’t imagine Heaven without Robert and our kids. We are just like every other family. We struggle, we sometimes don’t communicate, we have short tempers, and as of recently I’ve discovered I am NOT a very good home school teacher. But, I choose to believe because when I do...those hard times turn into growing and learning times. He softens our hearts, helps us forgive and is patient with us as we learn as a family to love and serve each other. I choose to believe because I love my family and want to be with them forever." -Emily Wensel

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