Press Forward with a Steadfast Faith in Christ

I choose to believe because I have always found so much peace, stability and love in believing in our Savior Jesus Christ and in His gospel.

Because I believe in Him, I know that I came into this life to be tested. Often my tests are uniquely my own. Lately, my test is the same as everyone else’s. After the paralyzing fear wears off, sometimes in a few minutes.... sometimes in a few days....I begin to ask questions. How did CoVid-19 happen? What are the characteristics of this virus? What are the symptoms exactly? How do I protect my family?

My fear shrinks as I begin to find answers from experts and also answers in my thoughts and heart as I study His holy word from ancient and modern prophets. Choosing to believe allows me full access to a loving Father in Heaven, to the infinite atoning power of His Divine Son and to the quiet whispers of the Holy Ghost who comforts, warns, inspires, directs and testifies of truth.

Choosing to believe keeps me vigilant in preparing spiritually, physically and temporally for future natural disasters and brings much needed understanding when rioting breaks out across our great nation. Choosing to believe in Jesus Christ brings peace to my soul, stability to my mind and keeps my heart open to more fully love and show appreciation to those who serve to protect us and to show compassion to those who suffer and to those who are full of anger.

My very favorite scripture helps me endure to believe everyday. It’s found in 2 Nephi 31:20. “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfast faith in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, this saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.” May this scripture help & bless you too, in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

-Jami Jensen

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